Are you ready to transform the way you create content and engage with your audience?

I am so excited to share my new guide with you, packed with exactly what you need to harness the power of ChatGpt for your online business. From crafting the perfect social media post to developing detailed business strategies, this guide has you covered with 200 ChatGpt prompts!


Hi, I’m Johnna

I'm here to help new, women online business owners and entrepreneurs like you who are struggling with work-life balance. As a digital product creator and productivity consultant, I provide digital products, mini courses, spreadsheets, Canva templates & more that are designed to make your life easier, ease your creative burden and make running an online business simpler. My mission is to help you find relief, clarity and the motivation to build a life-first business.

I believe that mindset is everything. When your mind is clear and focused, tackling the daily challenges of organization and business becomes so much easier. I'm passionate about helping you achieve work-life integration, so you don't feel like you're being pulled in a million different directions without making real progress.

Together, we'll create a life that's more organized and productive but in a way that aligns with you. I'll show you how to set realistic goals with clarity, so you can move forward with confidence. Imagine feeling empowered, inspired, and ready to take on the world. That's what I'm here for.

Let's embark on this journey together and turn your aspirations into reality. Here's to achieving more while doing less and still growing a thriving online business and a flourishing life you aspire to.

Here’s How I Can Help

I am here to help new, women online business owners + entrepreneurs who are struggling with "wearing all the hats" in their business while trying to find that elusive work-life balance. As a digital product creator and productivity consultant, I provide digital products, mini courses, Google Sheets, Google Docs and Canva templates to ease your creative burden, help you find relief and feel motivated so that you can grow a thriving online business and the life you aspire to.



Join a community of like-minded women entrepreneurs who understand the challenges you're facing. Together, we share tips, experiences, and support to help each other grow. Whether you need advice, encouragement, or just a friendly ear, our community is here for you. It's a space where you can feel understood and empowered as you work towards your goals.


Digital Products

I offer a range of digital products designed to make your life easier and your business more organized. From mini courses that teach you essential skills to Canva templates that simplify your marketing efforts, I've got you covered. These tools are created with new, women entrepreneurs in mind, so you can make progress without feeling overwhelmed. Think of them as your secret weapons for achieving work-life integration and boosting your productivity.


How I'm Different

I believe that mindset is everything. When your mind is clear and focused, tackling daily challenges of family and business becomes to much easier. I'm passionate about helping you achieve work-life integration, so that you don't feel pulled in a million different directions with nothing to show for it...except a boatload of stress. Imagine feeling empowered, inspired and ready to take on the world knowing you have the right tools and mindset. That's what I am here to help you do.

Together we'll create a life that is more organized and productive but in the right way. Learn how to set realistic goals, gain clarity, boost your productivity in a way that feels good. My mission is to ease your creative burden and make it easier for you to grow an online business you are proud of.


Digital Products

Goal Planning Workbook

Ready to take charge of your destiny and unlock your full potential?

Dive deep into the heart of your ambitions with a workbook crafted to outline your vision, break down your dreams into achievable milestones, and reflect on your journey. This isn't just about setting goals; it's about understanding them, feeling connected to them, and mapping out a clear path to success.

The mini training video goes hand-in-hand with your workbook, providing you with expert advice, motivation, and practical steps to take action on your goals today.


Business Clarity Workbook

Explore and ponder what business is right for you.

Whether it's a new business you want to launch or an existing business you want to pivot, it's important your business direction is aligned with your passions, values, skills, purpose and the life you want to live.

Step by step, question by question, you will get closer to the clarity you need to grow a successful, thriving and fulfilling business.


“A home that is filled with only the things you love and use will be a home that you love to use.”


Take a look at some Fan Favs...

Goal Planning Toolkit

🌼 By leveraging the power of the Goal Planning Toolkit you’ll not only set clear, achievable goals but also live the life you’ve always imagined.

🔥 What’s Packed Inside the Toolkit?

  • Structured Framework: Designed to adapt to your unique dreams and lifestyle.
  • Reflective Exercises: Gain deeper insights into your desires and how they align with your life.
  • Action Plans: Create a step-by-step guide to make your dreams a tangible reality.
  • Visual Planner Walkthrough: A step-by-step guide to maximizing your workbook's potential.
  • Access to three powerful Google Sheets designed to supercharge your productivity and goal realization.

Vision & Goals Planner Spreadsheet

Bring clarity and momentum to your personal and professional life.

The Vision and Goals Planner Spreadsheet ensures you have a robust, centralized system to manage your life's work and passions.

Whether you're planning big projects, cultivating new habits, or simply trying to keep your daily life on track, this tool is tailored to help you start strong and stay on course.

Daily Flow Planner

Google Sheet

This powerful Google Sheet helps you seamlessly integrate your work and life into manageable daily routines.

It includes:

📅 At-a-Glance Dashboard

🗓️ Monthly Planner

🌄 Routines and Habits Tracker

🎯 Goal Setting

🧹 Cleaning Checklist

✅ To-Do List with Sub-Tasks

🍽️ Meal Planner and Grocery List

💰 Budget Planner and Transactions Tracker

Who likes to shop? Take a peak at my online storefront!

I have digital products ranging from spreadsheets to manage your business to mini courses on goal setting and productivity to Canva templates to use for your marketing and capturing leads. Everything has been created to help find relief and feel motivated to take inspired action so that you can kill it in your business without wasting any of your precious energy or time. Click the SHOP STORE HERE button below and you'll be taken to the top 10 products available today. (This will change on a semi-weekly basis)


Help is just a click away.

Let's embark on this journey together and turn your aspirations into reality. Here's to a more organized, productive, and fulfilling life! Join my Tuesday Tips newsletter and get 200 ChatGpt Prompts for free!